Tips From the Experts

Buffalo's Premier Roofing Company

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Material Selection and Preparation: Choosing the Right Supplies for Effective Roof Repair in Buffalo, NY

Most homeowners aren’t going to bed thinking about their roofs. In fact, it’s usually their last home improvement priority. But know this, your roof is your first defense against the weather. Not only does it keep your family safe and dry, but it also boosts your curb appeal. If you’ve noticed your roof is looking … [Read More]

Early Warning Signs for a Timely Buffalo Roof Tune-Up

Being a homeowner is every American’s dream. According to the latest data, 65.8% of Americans own a home as of 2022. But with the role of a homeowner comes a lot of responsibility. You are probably thinking about paying your mortgage and homeowner’s insurance. While those are important, there are a few other things you will have … [Read More]

Buffalo Hail Damage Inspection: How to Inspect Roof for Hail Damage

It’s officially hailstorm season in Buffalo. And while it’s pretty to look at, hail is incredibly destructive. According to a March 2023 analysis by State Farm, the company shelled out over $3.5 billion in hail claims and 2022- an increase of over $1 billion from 2021. Hail can damage homes, cars, crops- and more importantly, … [Read More]

The Ultimate Guide to Residential Roofing in Buffalo, NY: Everything You Need to Know for a Strong and Beautiful Roof

Maintaining a home takes effort and dedication. From essential repairs to cosmetic renovations, there are plenty of ways to keep your home in the best shape possible. One area that requires special attention is your roof. Your roof protects your home from the elements, provides insulation, and adds to the aesthetic of your property. Without … [Read More]

How to Choose the Best Roof Wash Service for a Spotless Buffalo Roof

Most Buffalo homeowners aren’t lying awake at night worrying about cleaning their roofs. However, while it might not be a constant concern, it’s still essential to keep your roof in good shape. Routine cleaning can preserve your roof’s structural integrity and help it withstand Buffalo’s extreme weather. That’s not all. A neglected roof can develop … [Read More]

Buffalo Window Replacement Guide by William C. Rott & Son: Exploring Materials, Benefits, and Options for Every Home

There’s a lot that goes into maintaining a home. From major repairs and renovations to minor installations and upgrades, it’s important to make sure that everything is in working order. Windows are no exception. Over time, windows can experience wear and tear due to weathering, damage, or old age (windows typically last anywhere from 15 … [Read More]

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Contact the experts at Wm. C. Rott & Son today to schedule your next appointment!