Tips From the Experts

Buffalo's Premier Roofing Company

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5 Tips for Finding the Best Contractor for Roofing in Buffalo, NY

All roofs need repairs or replacements eventually – especially in upstate New York. Roofing in Buffalo, NY in particular is a task that requires frequent attention, as the city is known for long, harsh winters with heavy snowfall and hot summers. Replacing or repairing the roof of your home is very important. Removing old roofing … [Read More]

How to Save Money When It Comes to Roof Repair Services

Fixing even minor roof issues can burn a pretty deep hole in your wallet – especially when they come at an unexpected time. The national average cost for roofing repair services is just shy of a thousand dollars, but more serious issues can easily exceed that. Depending on the shingling material used, a roof should last … [Read More]

Squirrel resurrection

My wife came in the house Saturday afternoon. She whispered squeamishly that she had come upon a squirrel, who appeared to be expiring in our driveway. I went outside and found a shivering, wet, and immobile little squirrel.  The poor thing lying helpless on its side. For pity’s sake, my wife thought asphyxiation would be the … [Read More]

Impetuous Pooch

When school started last month, three of my kids were about to catch the bus for Ledgeview elementary. As it was Nathans first day of kindergarten, my wife’s baby; tears were sure to come. It promised to be a memorable send off. Pictures were taken, hugs and kisses were lavished upon the soon to embark. … [Read More]

Why Customers Keep Coming Back: Donna & Mike’s Story

Donna and Mike had their roof done by William C. Rott and when their window needed replacing they knew just who to call! When a city tree fell on their roof just over ten years ago our team arrived in just hours to check and make sure no damage was done. Donna and Mike were ecstatic at … [Read More]

What’s Essential: You and Our Commitment

We aren’t doctors or nurses, or healthcare professionals, or farmers, or truckers, or any ofthe others that bring life and life-giving answers to you. But we would like to offer what wecan.  As a 4th generation, family contracting business, we have a long history of weatheringdifficult times. I’m encouraged to share with you what we … [Read More]

Ready for Service You Can Count On?

Contact the experts at Wm. C. Rott & Son today to schedule your next appointment!