Tips From the Experts

Buffalo's Premier Roofing Company

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Stories Of Hope: How Many Coats Can Fit In A William C. Rott Truck?

Well, my dad, Bill Rott has done it again! He got a call a week ago from his sister-in-law. She works for a dry cleaner. She said her employer was looking to clean out the stockpile coats that were left unclaimed, and from donation drives. She wanted to know if the places he helps out … [Read More]

Stories Of Hope: Uncle Herb

      When my father talks about when he was a young boy, those experiences often surprise me. One of his stories, more often told, was of his uncle Herb Rott.  Uncle Herb was his dad’s younger brother who fought and was wounded, in World War II.  Some of the details of that were … [Read More]

Stories Of Hope: The Salvation Army

So, I know everyone is trying to do what they should. Whether that be social distancing, wearing masks, washing their hands, doing what they can, helping their family and those with health conditions. It’s terrific to see people do all of this (and more) including shopping for those in need who have to shelter in … [Read More]

A Customer For 40 Years! Read Sue’s Story

Sue has been one of our customers for 40 years! People always tell her that she has the prettiest house on the street, but it wasn’t always that way… Just after Sue moved into her home almost 40 years ago, she and her husband needed to have a new roof put on. However, they were new & inexperienced homeowners and didn’t … [Read More]

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